They Left The Car Door Open And A Stray Dog Sneaked In

They Left The Car Door Open And A Stray Dog Sneaked In

After seeing that a person’s car door was open, a stray dog jumped in apparently in search of a place to rest, without imagining that this action would change her life. The story began last year when this naughty doggy jumped into the car of Bill Shaver, who had forgotten to close the back door … Read more

‘Miracle’ Puppy Born With Two Tails And Six Legs

‘Miracle’ Puppy Born With Two Tails And Six Legs

A puppy was born with six legs and two tails to a family in the United States. It’s the first documented case of a dog with these qualities being born alive. Now, one week later, she’s showing signs of a promising future writes The dog named “Miricle” is an aussie-collie mix. In addition to … Read more

Elephants Who Lost Parents To Ivory Trade Run To Hug The Angel Who Raised Them

Elephants Who Lost Parents To Ivory Trade Run To Hug The Angel Who Raised Them

Illegal poaching is a real threat to our dwindling wildlife population. Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick, a prominent wildlife activist, has dedicated her life toward caring for the baby elephants left orphaned by the merciless poachers who massacre adult elephants for their tusks, writes ilovemydogsomuch Daphne shifted her focus to orphaned elephants in 1977. Initially, it … Read more

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