Loyal Pit Bull Leapt Into Action To Save His Human From Venomous Snake

Loyal Pit Bull Leapt Into Action To Save His Human From Venomous Snake

Haley McCormack was walking toward the veranda of her Davidson Area, Tennessee residence when suddenly her pet dog, Arlo, jumped into action to save her. What McCormack really did not see was a venomous viper serpent lurking in the corner by the staircases. Arlo jumped towards the serpent as it was recoiled back, about to … Read more

Why U.S Singer Cher Freed Elephant Kavaan From Pakistan’s Zoo

Why U.S Singer Cher Freed Elephant Kavaan From Pakistan’s Zoo

Kavaan named as The World’s Loneliest Elephant after investing decades of solitude in a Pakistani Zoo is lastly shifted to a wildlife sanctuary in Cambodia. Right here he is mosting likely to spend the rest of his life in tranquility and in the company of the various other elephants. The 35-year-old bull elephant’s dog’s life … Read more

Depressed Dog Was Alone At Shelter For 2-Yrs & Recognized Familiar Smell

Depressed Dog Was Alone At Shelter For 2-Yrs & Recognized Familiar Smell

Please share and pass this story onto a friend or family member above! Pakita was found wandering the streets when she was eventually brought to Argentina’s El Arca Animal Partido de Mar Chiquita. Volunteers instantly fell in love with her. Especially one volunteer named Silvia Ferreyra. But sadly, in spite of her warm demeanor, she … Read more

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