Drowning Baby Bear Paws At Boat For A Boost Bites Down As Men Don t Move

Drowning Baby Bear Paws At Boat For A Boost Bites Down As Men Don t Move

Two men, while on a routine fishing trip, experienced quite the ordeal when they saw two strange figures in the water, writes ilovemydogsomuch As they got closer, they realized that the two figures were actually two baby bears struggling to swim. The fishermen were immediately alarmed. The water was freezing! Their first instinct was to … Read more

Young Boy Walks 2-Miles Alone To Save A Dying Puppy

Young Boy Walks 2-Miles Alone To Save A Dying Puppy

One day, a South African 13 year old from Delft, one of the poorest communities in Cape Town, walked a whole 2 miles on his own to save his pup. He noticed that his dog stopped eating and started having bloody diarrhea, so he stepped up and went out to find help. He walked 2 … Read more

Miracle Puppy Survives Brutal Stabbing Thanks To Her Heroic Adopter

Miracle Puppy Survives Brutal Stabbing Thanks To Her Heroic Adopter

Smoke the Pit Bull puppy had a heartbreaking past, but she doesn’t show it. Her previous human stabbed her at least seven times, damaging her trachea and carotid artery. If it weren’t for Brad Chambers’ kind heart, Smoke wouldn’t have survived, writes Molly Weinfurter from iheartdogs.com Today, Smoke is one of the happiest, most loving … Read more

Woman fought a bear to save her dogs

Woman fought a bear to save her dogs

A woman has gone viral on TikTok after she was filmed quite literally fighting off a bear to rescue her dogs. What would you do if you looked outside your window and a huge brown bear was threatening the lives of your pups? Would you run or would you risk your life? A woman called … Read more