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Rare Footage Shows Playful Six-Month-Old Baby Elephant Laughing During Game At Wildlife Preserve

Rare Footage Shows Playful Six-Month-Old Baby Elephant Laughing During Game At Wildlife Preserve

Obviously, capturing footage of a newborn elephant giggling with delight is extremely rare. Many people are likely unaware that elephants can make sounds like these. That’s why, in 2014, a video of a six-month-old elephant grinning at the Maevang Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand, went viral, with viewers marveling at the elephant’s joy and cute laughing sounds.

It’s no surprise that this video has gotten so much attention: it’s too beautiful to put into words. You’ll be reminded of an innocent toddler as you watch the elephant have enjoyment while playing. This demonstrates that many newborns, not just human newborns, are capable of feeling delight and enjoyment.

The video was shot in Thailand at the Maevang Elephant Camp near Chaing Mai. According to Metro, a student called Laura-Jane traveled to Thailand from Aberdeenshire to celebrate her recent college graduation. Laura-Jane, we’re sure, never anticipated to make a video that would go viral while celebrating her achievement.

However, when she observed the baby elephant having so much fun on her visit to the elephant camp, she knew this was a moment that deserved to be shared with others.

She had no idea when she posted the footage of the lovely elephant to her social media website that thousands of other people would see it. The newborn elephant’s babysitter is seen in the video engaged in some fun activities with the infant. The two are playing with a plastic bucket, and it’s evident that the baby elephant thinks it hilarious.

The lovely giggling noises coming from the baby elephant captivated the guests who stood around watching. The laughter is contagious, and it’s difficult not to smile when watching this video. Lauren-Jane has a Ph.D. in geology, so she must appreciate being out in nature, and she is clearly pleased to see that the elephants are having a good time at the elephant camp, according to Metro.

Although many elephants are still kept in cages at zoos and circuses, it’s wonderful to see one at the camp enjoying themselves in a natural setting. The elephant’s mother can even be seen nearby, keeping an eye on the action to protect her young but also knowing that they’re secure in the camp.

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