A Dog With Untreatable Tumor Shows Off Her Beauty

A Dog With Untreatable Tumor Shows Off Her Beauty

Meet Serenity, the rescue dog who had a huge tumor on her face. Even though she doesn’t look like the other dogs, she has an amazing spirit and the energy of a playful puppy. Despite her appearance, that doesn’t stop her from being happy. The 4-year-old Siberian Husky is finally getting the love she deserves. … Read more

Dog Makes The Saddest Face When Her Family Abandons Her At The Shelter

Dog Makes The Saddest Face When Her Family Abandons Her At The Shelter

When her owners dropped her off at the Inland Valley Humane Society in California, the 3-year-old pit bull appeared to be absolutely heart.broken. “There seemed to be no reason,” Tiffany Tan, the founder of JL Rescue, and the person who helped save Electra’s life, told The Dodo. “She hadn’t bitten anybody. They just took her … Read more

Paralyzed Dog Was About To Be Euthanized Until The Vet Felt A Tick

Paralyzed Dog Was About To Be Euthanized Until The Vet Felt A Tick

Ollie the 10-year-old Shetland sheepdog suffered a close call after a camping trip with his family left him paraly.zed and ready to be put to sleep. Ollie was normally a very active and healthy dog. He enjoyed running amuck outside and joining his family on camping trips. However, after he came backfrom one of the … Read more