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Rescuers find abandoned hunting dog rotting alive in field and become determined to save her

Rescuers find abandoned hunting dog rotting alive in field and become determined to save her

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Dogs are innocent creatures, so when they find themselves in trouble through no fault of their own it is sad.

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When members of the Diasozo Animal Rescue Team in Karditsa Greece found a dog in the countryside, she was in bad shape. Fortunately, they were able to get her the help she needed.

A dog was found injured in a field

A village in Greece had called the rescue about a dog in a field, so workers hurried to the location.

When rescuers found the dog, who they named Lydia, she was alone in a field. She was emaciated and had a large rotting wound on her back and needed immediate medical attention.

Lydia was carefully transported to a local clinic

Carefully lifting her, the team carried Lydia from the field.

They had to go slow for fear of hurting her further. The last thing that the rescuers wanted to do was cause Lydia any more pain.

They planned to take her directly from the field to the vet.

Exhausted, Lydia hardly even moved as the team prepared her for the trip.

They wrapped her in a blanket and placed her in a kennel in the back of the vehicle.

Soon, she would be somewhere safe where she could be treated for her injuries.

Finally, Lydia and her rescuers were at the vet, as they carried her into the clinic. After her rescuers opened her cage, Lydia made her way gingerly out, limping around the small room.

Even injured, Lydia was full of curiosity

Even her bad condition couldn’t stifle her curiosity as Lydia checked out her new surroundings. Soon, though, it was time for her to be examined, especially the wound on her back, which looked terrible.

Lydia was in really bad shape

As the vets examined her, Lydia was placed on an examination table.

She seemed to trust those around her as she lay quietly, allowing the team to poke and prod her injured body.

As they examined Lydia’s body, the team was able to determine the extent of her injuries.

In addition to the large wound on her back, she also had a smaller one on her injured leg where the bone had broken and punched through.

Lydia was treated for her injuries. Now, it was time for her to recover. Day by day she slowly got better, until finally, she had greatly improved. While she still limped around, she did seem to have more energy than when first found.

Soon, it was time for Lydia to move to a foster home

Soon, Lydia was healthy enough to leave the clinic and start a new life.

She was driven to her foster home where she would complete her recovery before being placed into a new home for more on DAR Animal Rescue, check out the organization’s Facebook page.

Learn more about Lydia’s heartwarming rescue and recovery in the video below!

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