Paralyzed Dog Abandoned At Dumpster Never Thought Anyone Would Find Her

Paralyzed Dog Abandoned At Dumpster Never Thought Anyone Would Find Her

By the time someone found Susanna, she had almost completely given up hope. Thrown away by her owner in a notorious Florida dumping ground, the young dog was found huddled up against a dumpster and barely moving. She was malnourished, exhausted and covered in fleas and ticks. She couldn’t lift her head or walk. Local … Read more

A 30-Year-Old Horse Was Abandoned After Years Of Abuse

A 30-Year-Old Horse Was Abandoned After Years Of Abuse

Arthur, a Belgian draft, spent most of his life as a work horse in a farming community in New England. But once he turned 30, they no longer needed him. From there, he went from auction to auction and dealer to dealer. During his journey, he met another horse named Max who he grew very … Read more