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Handicapped Dog Paws & Barks At Dirt, Owner Ran To Tiny Foot Sticking Out

Handicapped Dog Paws & Barks At Dirt, Owner Ran To Tiny Foot Sticking Out

In a perfect world, this story would not have come across our desks. But of course, the world is flawed just as we are, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When a 15-year-old from a poor village in Thailand found out she was pregnant, she didn’t have the proper resources or guidance. Afraid of repercussions, she gave birth by herself and buried her infant alive in the dirt. The baby did survive thanks to a dog who would not give up.

Ping Pong was out for a walk with his owner when suddenly he dashed toward a spot in the dirt. He frantically began to dig. This was not his typical behavior so his owner was concerned. The owner approached the spot and noticed a tiny infant’s leg sticking out from beneath.In a perfect world, this story would not have come across our desks. But of course, the world is flawed just as we are. When a 15-year-old from a poor village in Thailand found out she was pregnant, she didn’t have the proper resources or guidance. Afraid of repercussions, she gave birth by herself and buried her infant alive in the dirt. The baby did survive thanks to a dog who would not give up.

Ping Pong was out for a walk with his owner when suddenly he dashed toward a spot in the dirt. He frantically began to dig. This was not his typical behavior so his owner was concerned. The owner approached the spot and noticed a tiny infant’s leg sticking out from beneath.

With Ping Pong by his side, the man dug the baby out and rushed him to the local hospital. Amazingly, the baby was healthy, without a scratch on him. Police questioned the teenager, who through tears, explained that she was afraid her parents would disown her. She was still arrested and charged for attempted murder. Her fear overtook rational thinking but thanks to Ping Pong the baby survived!

What’s even more incredible is that the hero dog has only three working legs! Ping Pong’s owner told the Daily Mail:

‘When he was younger a car hit him and his back leg was injured. He cannot use it but he still helps me when I’m herding cows. Everybody in the village is amazed by what he has done now. He is a hero because he saved the life of the baby.’

While this story is laced with tragedy, we can appreciate that a life was spared thanks to a smart dog and a determined owner. The baby continues to do well. Thank you, Ping Pong!

Featured Image Courtesy of Unsplash


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