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Abandoned Puppies Befriend A Lonely Giant Turtle

Abandoned Puppies Befriend A Lonely Giant Turtle

We’re always interested in hearing about odd animal friendships. When you have a lot of different types of animals living together, you have to wonder if they get along only to get along, writes doginspiration

Like the touching tale of a group of orphaned puppies that found a companion and protector in an unlikely species. Andrea, a foster home and member of 2nd Chances Rescue, took in three puppies abandoned in the PetSmart parking lot a few years ago.

Andrea told PAWsitive, “A man showed up with a case of beer with these four puppies.” “He claimed he caught her in her garden but was unable to capture her mother.”

Andrea took the cubs in and raised them, albeit it took her some time to adjust to her new surroundings: “They were scared,” Andrea explained. Andrea also had another rescue pet, an eighty-year-old sulcata turtle named Goliath, in her care. Andrea soon recognized a connection between her rescue dogs and the old tortoise and the baby cubs, which seemed weird at first.

Andrea noticed one of the puppies was gone one day. She was terrified, but she quickly discovered the dog was hiding in Goliath’s stable. He soon noticed that all of the cubs enjoyed cuddling with their turtle pal, and that it seemed to provide a sense of security to the terrified puppies.

Andrea observed, “They appeared to feel a sort of security with Goliath.” “During the day, I discovered her cuddled around Goliath.” He aided not only the cubs, but also Goliath.

The turtle enjoys attention and contact, according to Andrea, but most dogs are terrified of it and ignore it. Clearly, the cubs had a different perspective, and the tortoise was relieved to have company: “I think he was excited, I think he loved it.”


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