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A Breath Away From God, Savior Laid His Hand On His Head & Said “Not Yet”

A Breath Away From God, Savior Laid His Hand On His Head & Said “Not Yet”

A dog lay helpless on the road after he was tragically hit by a car, writes ilovemydogsomuch

His body was mangled and he cried for relief. He was hours within dying when a kind soul from a local rescue group came to help him.

He cried for relief and the kind man reached his hand out. As soon as he felt his touch, the dog settled down. He knew he was now safe.

Back at the rescuer’s home, he needed extensive medical treatment. He had a brain injury so his body seized. His tremors looked exhausting but with pain medication on board, he’s not suffering. No one would let him suffer!

Although his body is contorted, he gains strength and can get around on his own. He shows his rescuers (and you too!) that he has quite the appetite. A dog that’s in a great deal of pain will not eat. This is a very good sign!

Next, he begins physical therapy. He needs to gain strength and will do so with proper exercises. Within a few short weeks, he’s standing so much better! Look at him eating at his bowl. He’s so happy! And yes, he loves to eat!

His rescuers decided to fit him with a wheelchair. He’s very motivated to move and his new wheels will get him going! He’s placed in the wheelchair and can move right away. It’s amazing! And yes, again, he’s motivated by that yummy food!

His new human friends are so proud of all he’s accomplished. Medically he still has a long way to go but he’s strong and has a great team. Soon he will be well enough to be available for adoption. Isn’t that amazing?!


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